Sunday, September 29, 2024

Hurricane Helene


Hello friends. My family and I are safe from the hurricane - thank God! Although many people in our town do not have power, thankfully, we do. These pictures were taken by my brother at their home way on top of a mountain in Linville, NC. His area was hit so hard. Western North Carolina was hit really hard with tornadoes and so much flooding.  Certain areas received thirty inches of rain in twenty-four hours! The area (Chimney Rock) where my daughter went hiking with her youth group last Saturday was completely flooded and washed away. The restaurant where they had lunch is gone along with all the others in that town. It's just so sad. So many people have lost their homes and businesses. 

My brother doesn't have power and cell service is very spotty, but they do have a generator running sparingly in the evenings. He had a kind neighbor stop by today to help clear all the debris off his truck and make a path through the yard so they could leave tomorrow. His driveway is a complete mess. Thankfully, his home wasn't affected by the hurricane or tornadoes, just the grounds. They likely won't have power restored in his town for weeks. They are planning to go to Charlotte which is a two-and-a-half-hour drive from where they live and rent a place until they have power back. Praying they don't have any issues getting out tomorrow as so many roads are closed now.

Hurricane Helene brought catastrophic destruction to so many in Western NC. Please continue to pray for the people who were affected by this horrific natural disaster.


  1. Just seeing these photos makes my heart hurt for your brother and so many others. Is the town of Chimney Rock near the big rock (chimney Rock) that you can climb up? Maybe it is called something else. I am so sorry for all of this damage. Our prayers continue for those who have suffered much devastation. Please take care...sending prayers for your brother and his family.

    1. Hi Shug. Thank you for your kind and thoughtful comment. Your prayers are very much appreciated. Yes, Chimney Rock is the town where you can hike up to the top of the actual Chimney Rock. It was such a beautiful area by Lake Lure.

  2. My friend, I am so thankful you are safe. My prayers go out to your brother and all those affected by this disaster. Please take care of you and your family. Hugs.

  3. So pleased to read that you and your family are safe from Hurricane Helene. Saying a prayer for your brother, and all those who have been affected.

    All the best Jan

  4. How terrible for everyone involved. I'm so glad to hear that you and your family are safe and sending best wishes to your brother, I hope he manages to vacate his property until power is restored.
