Friday, February 1, 2019


It seems like January came and went fairly quickly this year.  I have to say that I really like the month of January.  It still feels like winter here as it should - no snow, but cold and blustery. 

 Charlotte is already thinking about Valentine's Day, as you can see below.  She made this sweet heart for me to display on the front of our refrigerator door.  We will probably go shopping for Valentine cards next week for her school friends.  I love Valentine's Day!  It's just such a sweet day.

For the past few weeks, I've treated myself to some lovely tulips for the kitchen table.  I really can't tell you just how much I've enjoyed them.  They make me very happy! 

I've also been baking a lot lately.  I made a Meyer Lemon Cake, Raspberry Crumble bars which have been perfect for breakfast or with a cup of tea in the afternoon, and a Chocolate Cake with Cream Cheese Frosting requested by Charlotte.  I love to be in the kitchen.  It's definitely my happy place.

I'm making Chicken Wings, Nachos, and Brownies this weekend for Super Bowl Sunday.  We don't really watch the game, it's just an excuse to make yummy Super Bowl food.  Have a great weekend! 

Last photo - Charlotte got to take a break from her school uniform for Country/Western day at school this week.  She looked adorable!


  1. Charlotte's heart is lovely and she's such a sweet girl for making it for you.
    It's bitterly cold here and there is a covering of snow. I think we'll be going sledging this weekend.
    Your bakes sound delicious. This time of year lends itself to time spent in the kitchen making some tasty treats.
    Have a great weekend. X

    1. Thank you, Jules! I'm so happy to hear you got snow! I know your daughter is loving it.

  2. So sweet and how much your lovely girl has grown since I started reading your blog. My girls were also dressed in checked shirts at school this last week, but here in Scotland it was tartan for Robert Burns day rather than country and western. I love to read of the differences across the miles as well as the things that are reassuringly similar.

    1. Hi Marion! It's amazing how much my daughter has grown in just the past few months. She's growing out of her clothes overnight it seems. Time to go shopping, I guess.

  3. Hi Julia, it's nice to see what you've been up to. Your tulips are so pretty today. I just got home from Trader Joe's where I bought myself some purple ones. It's great to see Charlotte, she's growing up so much. I hope you have a good weekend!

    1. Hi Jennifer! I picked up some purple ones on Friday, and that color reminds me so much of spring. I hope you are having a great weekend. Charlotte does seem to be going through a growth spurt lately, I think.

  4. Your daughter has the most beautiful smile and how lovely to make you a heart. I love children's drawings - the fact they dive straight in there with an idea an produce some wonderful pictures - no messing around like I do feeling hesitant to make an mark.
    Those Tulips look great in your white kitchen - good colour choice - I never know which colour to choose as they are all gorgeous. Your cake looks delicious - my granddaughter would love the sprinkles.

    1. That is so nice of you to say, thank you. I also think Charlotte has the most beautiful smile. Children's drawings are the best! My fridge is covered in them.
      I love tulips in really any color, although I seem to favor pink and purple the most. You can never go wrong with a chocolate cake covered in sprinkles!

  5. Thanks for your visit and comment Julia! Love your white table. I would have all white furniture if it was for me only but husband prefers to see wood color. Your baby girl is growing so much!! Keep warm! Temps are horrible here in ND as well and we don't like it. Take care!

    1. Thanks Angela! I really love white furniture. I have a few darker pieces throughout the house - I really like to mix and match. It's hard to believe that my baby girl is turning ten next month. She is such a sweet child with the kindest heart! Stay warm!


At Christmastime