Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Hello March

Hello friends!  I hope everyone is doing well. I haven't had a chance to post lately - life has been busy and Charlotte has had a lot of homework over the past few weeks it seems.  This week appears to be a bit lighter in that department, thank goodness!

Spring is just around the corner and so is Charlotte's 10th birthday!  So hard to believe my baby girl is turning ten soon.  We are going to NYC for a long weekend to celebrate her birthday and we are so excited!  I know it's going to be a very fun time for her.  We have an afternoon tea planned, a visit to the American Girl Doll store, of course, and lots of touring around the city. So looking forward to it!

I recently ordered the new Oven to Table cookbook and I am absolutely loving it.  I've made Fudgy Raspberry Brownies (twice), Oven - Baked Balsamic Beef and Vegetable Stew, and I just made the Faux Sourdough bread this morning and it looks and smells amazing.  It will pair perfectly with spaghetti and meatballs tonight.  It's quickly becoming one of my favorite cookbooks - so many easy weeknight dinners here.  I hope you check it out soon!


  1. Hello!
    What a beautiful post this cold March day!
    Thank you for the cookbook idea.
    I will check it out now.
    And what a perfect birthday celebration for your lovely baby girl!
    My baby is also nine. How???!
    Have a cozy evening, my friend.

    1. Hi Billie Jo! I hope you do check out the cookbook, as I think you will love it! Everyone loved the bread at dinner tonight. It’s so hard to believe my baby is turning 10 soon! So excited to celebrate her in NY!

  2. Ten years old! It's going to be an adventure and it sounds like you have an exciting weekend planned by way of celebration. You'll have a wonderful time. X

    1. Thanks, Jules! We are so excited to celebrate Charlotte turning 10 in NY!

  3. Ten is a great age! Your meals look delicious, I am feeling a bit peckish seeing this beautiful bread of yours!

    1. I think ten is going to be a really fun age! My bread was delicious! I hope you check out Jan's new cookbook.

  4. Oh to be ten again - a lovely age and so exciting to go to the city to celebrate. I just love the mug with the little print inside and your bread looks delicious.

  5. Happy birthday to Charlotte!!! Have fun in NYC! My daughter loved her American doll stuff and she still have it saved. She will be able to pass it on to her daughter someday. I will check out that cookbook. The food you made looks great.

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At Christmastime