Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Happy New Year

We are relaxing at home on this New Year's Eve... just the way I like it!  I'm blogging on the sofa, and Charlotte and daddy are playing in her room.  It's a very nice evening!

I wish you all a very happy and healthy New Year!

We are looking forward to a fabulous 2014!!!!

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Christmas 2013

We had a wonderful Christmas, and I hope you did as well!  The photos are from Christmas Eve spent with my family at my brother and sister-in-law's house. 

My little family!

My sis in-law always sets the most beautiful table setting for Christmas Eve.

Charlotte is super excited!  She is the only grandchild in my family, and always gets tons of gifts.  Seriously, so many gifts this year that I am making a trip to Ikea next week for a bookcase for her bedroom.  It's time to get organized.

She absolutely loves the sweet bunny my mom gave her. 

About 10pm Christmas Eve, and she totally passed out on the ride home.

It was a great Christmas!

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Merry Christmas

I wish you all a very Merry Christmas!  Many blessings to you and your family!

Monday, December 9, 2013

Getting Ready for Christmas

Just an update on our Christmas decorating, and life in general.  As you can see in the photo, Charlotte is very ready for Christmas.  She is super excited this year.  I love to see her little eyes light up when she looks at the lights and decorations… it's the sweetest!

  We are baking cookies with her friend on Sunday, and we are also having his parents over for dinner that evening.  I am looking forward to it!

I am almost finished with my shopping.  I just need to order one other thing for Charlotte, and something for my in-laws.

This photo was taken last weekend before we went to see the movie "Frozen" with her friend, Colson.  She wasn't a fan of the movie, but enjoyed spending time with her sweet friend.

Our "fake" tree is up and all decorated… I like it!  We would have a real tree, but I am just too allergic.

I am loving the lights in my dining room this year.  And I found the adorable pom pom garland at Target.

And at night… my favorite!

I hope you all are having a wonderful December.  We are enjoying the holidays, and staying busy.  I can not believe Christmas is only two weeks away.  I still need to address my Christmas cards, and do some wrapping… I have two weeks, right???

Sunday, November 3, 2013


We had a really nice Halloween this year!  Charlotte was totally into trick-or-treating and really enjoyed it.  We headed out around 5:30 in the early evening, as she just couldn't wait any longer.  She was excited all day long!  After about an hour of trick-or-treating we were back home to hand out candy.  I think she enjoyed this part as much as she did trick-or-treating.

Our little bunny!  I painted really cute whiskers on her face, but she was not a fan, and off they went!

Oh, how I love her little cotton tail!

We stopped by my husband's office for lunch on Halloween and he snapped this sweet photo of the two of us.

It was a great day!

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Fall Decorating... Outside

Our front steps are all ready for Fall.  We had fun selecting pumpkins at Whole Foods this year.  We were going to visit a pumpkin patch, but haven't made it there yet.  We like these pumpkins, and we think they are perfect for carving, and maybe even stuffing with something yummy!

Happy girl!

I usually always go with yellow mums, but the purple ones were really calling my name this year.  I love them!

And my silly girl posing for the camera.  She is very excited about Halloween and is planning to dress-up as bunny... it should be fun!

Friday, October 18, 2013

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Totally Random Photos

Ok, I am so far behind on posting.  Hopefully I will get this blog updated very soon!  As I was going through photos for a post today, I came across these sweet photos of my little munchkin.  Since I didn't have this blog when Charlotte was really little I thought I would share a few baby/toddler photos with you.

Just look at my sweet girl celebrating her very first birthday! 

I love those sweet baby cheeks. 

And celebrating mommy's birthday at thirteen months.  

My little ballerina celebrating Halloween at nineteen months.

And at 2.5 years old getting ready to celebrate another Halloween.

Thanks for letting me reminisce a bit.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Charlotte's First Day of Preschool

Charlotte started preschool today, and she did so well!  I have felt stressed the past few weeks about sending her to school for the first time, and I was relieved to find out that she enjoyed it so much.  There were no tears this morning from Charlotte or Mommy!  I did my share of crying this summer... this was big for us!  It was time though, and she was ready.  Mommy was ready, too.  I look forward to having three mornings a week to myself.  My house is in desperate need of cleaning and organizing... I am so far behind.  Charlotte is looking forward to school again on Friday and that makes me so happy that she is happy!

I snapped this photo this morning right after she woke up.  Already excited about her big day!

Ready to go with her new backpack, and bunny of course.

I enjoyed a relaxing morning at Starbucks catching-up with a few of my favorite magazines.

It was a good day!

Friday, August 9, 2013

This Moment... A Summer Lunch

Really good crusty bread, drizzled with olive oil, topped with lots of fresh basil, and mozzarella cheese.  Pop it under the broiler for a few minutes, and you have the perfect summer lunch.  


Saturday, August 3, 2013

Wednesday, July 31, 2013


Playing dress-up...

She still likes to nap... in the car.

Building very tall towers at the library.

Record rainfall on Saturday morning... twelve inches in six hours.  Since June 1st we have had over twenty inches of rain... crazy!!!  As you can see, Charlotte's pool is overflowing.  And it's raining again today.

Tonight's dinner... Whole Wheat Penne Pasta with Grilled Chicken, Snap Peas, and Feta Cheese.  It was absolutely delicious!  I will be making this again very soon!

I hope you all are having a wonderful week!

Friday, July 26, 2013

A Sweet Little Dress

My Mom recently vacationed in Charleston and brought back this adorable,  hand embroidered dress for Charlotte.  She purchased it from the Historic Charleston City Market.

It's so darling and Charlotte loves wearing it!  Even the pockets have little bees and flowers.

The perfect Summer dress!

Saturday, July 13, 2013


My Mom's sweet neighbor gave me this lovely hydrangea bouquet the other day.  I just love the color combination!  It's amazing that they both came from the same plant.

They look lovely in my dining room.

I think I need to get a plant of my own to cut from!  It would be so nice to have these in my house all Summer long.

Hello & a little catch-up