Sunday, February 7, 2021

This and That

 Just popping in to say hello.  We had a little snow overnight, but by mid-morning it was melted and gone.  It snowed most of the night last night and I got up a few times to take a peek out the window - it was so pretty, wish it would've lasted longer.  Do you have snow where you are?  The sun came out and we went for a nice walk this afternoon.  I made Swedish meatballs and potatoes for dinner.  Everyone loved it.

I'm still buying a nice bunch of tulips most every week now and have been since right after Christmas.  One of my very favorite flowers.  They bring so much brightness into the house during these winter days.  My husband asked me what I might like for Valentine's Day, and of course, I said tulips.  I ordered chocolates for all of us which arrived yesterday.  Looking forward to enjoying them very soon!  Also, I ordered a new rug for our family room yesterday.  I'll be sure to share it with you soon.

I hope you have a great week.  Happy Valentine's Day!


  1. What a lovely post! I love your flowers! They add a touch of brightness to winter. We have snow here in Pennsylvania, and have had it all of January! It is quite cold as well. Have a cozy Monday in your part of the world!

    1. It's amazing how might brightness fresh flowers add to a space! It sounds like you have had a true winter. We've had some cold temperatures, but mostly rain instead of snow.

  2. The tulips are beautiful. I'm happy you got to enjoy some flurries of snow. X

    1. Thank you. I thoroughly enjoy tulip season. It was really nice to see a bit of snow over the weekend!

  3. We had a bit of snow today, enough for sledging down the hills. I love tulips, too. At the moment, I buy daffodils though, they are very good value and last for a long time.

    1. I am glad to hear you had enough snow for sledging. We did not and our daughter wasn't happy about it. I also love daffodils! The are so bright and cheerful. A true sign that spring is on its way.

  4. Beautiful photos! Tulips are my Winter go-to flowers as well. They're just so beautiful and vibrant - just what I need in Jan and Feb!

    1. Thank you, Christy. Tulips are probably my very favorite flower!


At Christmastime