Tuesday, May 26, 2020


Hello friends!  I hope you are all staying safe and healthy.  Oh my goodness it's been so long - almost one year - since my last post.  It would take me forever to catch-up, so I'm just posting and chatting about the month of May basically.  

What a crazy year we are having so far.  I'm hopeful that there are better days ahead for all of us as we slowly resurface and approach a new normal.  We've been spending lots of time at home since mid March, which seems like forever ago. We go on a few outings (in a mask, of course) and day trips here and there, but mostly home these days.  I've been gardening and cooking a lot.  We occasionally do takeout, though.  Likely tonight, I'm thinking maybe pizza.

So, please tell me... how are you all doing?  Are you mostly staying home, as well.  Are you cooking a lot?  Are you making summer vacation plans?  We are hoping to rent a place at the coast sometime this summer and I cannot wait to put my feet in the sand and walk on the beach.  It would be so good for my soul these days.

It feels really nice to be back in this space again!  I hope to post more often.  Now that homeschool is behind us, I think I'll have some extra time to do so.  I don't normally homeschool our daughter but, of course, with the current situation we've been doing so since March.  We finished up fourth grade last Friday.  Hooray for summer!!


  1. Lovely to see you back! Has it really been a year?? Glad to read you are doing well. We are still homeschooling, will do so until August. It is a bit difficult with full time work but we manage. I am so envious of your beautiful new Creuset pot! Mine is old and battered. I watched a programme a few weeks ago where it was shown how these pots are made, very interesting. It is a BBC programme, which you can view on the BBCiplayer (search for "Inside the Factory").

    For some reason I am now a contributor on your blog, not sure why, but I did receive an invite and clicked some buttons. Your blog now shows on my own blog list, you may need to remove me.

    1. Hi Christina. Thanks for visiting my blog. I'll definitely check out the Le Creuset program - sounds really interesting.

  2. Great post! Lovely blue hydrangea! We used to have a lovely big bush of hydrangea when we lived in Chile -SA. (We worked with the church there for 2.5 yrs.) I do like your new Le Creuset pot!!That cake looks delicious!

    1. Hello Angela. I just love blue hydrangeas! Nothing says summer has almost arrived than seeing hydrangeas in bloom. It was time for a new dutch oven. After fourteen years of almost daily use and a few scorchs here and there, it was time. I'm thoroughly enjoying my new pot. Hope you have a great weekend!

  3. It's lovely to see you back here, Julia. I hope you and your family are keepong well. X


At Christmastime