Thursday, December 21, 2023

Merry Christmas!

 Hi dear friends. I wanted to hop on and wish everyone a Merry Christmas while I'm having a little downtime this evening. Charlotte and I along with my mom got manicures yesterday and it was so nice to treat ourselves. I haven't had a manicure in forever. I love having painted nails, especially at Christmastime.

 I started my cookie baking today and I'll bake a different cookie each day for the next three days to gift to friends and family for Christmas and some to enjoy ourselves, of course. I'll be making gingerbread cookies, chocolate crinkle cookies, chocolate-dipped shortbread cookies (as pictured above), and white chocolate cranberry bars. Also, I still need to wrap all the gifts. I've yet to wrap anything!

I hope you have a wonderful Christmas! May your days be peaceful, happy, and bright!

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Our Christmas Wreath

 We usually buy a fresh, green wreath for Christmas, but since they've dried out so quickly the past few years we decided to buy an artificial one this year. I think it's cute! I added the gingham ribbon to make it a bit more festive. Do you buy a fresh wreath or do you go with an artificial one?

Sunday, December 10, 2023

December Sunset

The sky was so gorgeous a few evenings ago that I just had to run outside and snap a picture of this beautiful sunset. Hope you enjoy it! 

It's rained here all weekend and I'm desperately missing the sun. We are staying in today and making chocolate-dipped shortbread cookies. I'll try to share those with you soon. They are a favorite here and I make them every Christmas. Happy Sunday!

Saturday, December 2, 2023

It's December


Happy December, friends! December really snuck up on me this year, but here it is. Our tree is up and it's beginning to feel festive indeed. I feel that this season is so short and goes by too quickly so I'm trying to be in the moment and enjoy every second of it. It's so dreary and foggy today so I decided to brighten things up and switch the outside Christmas lights on by mid-day. Not my favorite kind of weather, but it will pass and the lovely sunshine and blue skies will be back soon. How's the weather where you are? Have you had snow yet?

It's cranberry season and I made my first batch of white chocolate cranberry bars this week and needless to say, they only lasted two days. They are so good and everyone loves them. I always gift these to friends and family every December as everyone always looks forward to receiving them.

So what have I been up to lately: Watching lots and lots of Christmas movies and also Hidden Coastal Villages on Prime - I love that show! Christmas shopping - mostly online. Although we did go out for lunch yesterday followed by a little shopping which was so nice. We went to a few cute shops as you can see in the first photo above along with Williams Sonoma which is one of my very favorite shops - I could spend hours in there! Homeschooling and the usual weekly karate classes for Charlotte. Spending lots of time in the kitchen cooking and baking. Walks outside almost every day when it's not raining that is. Making and drinking several cups of hot tea every day mostly elderberry and Earl Grey and taking the time to sit quietly and enjoy them. And that's about it. What have you been up to? Please do tell me.

 Hope you are having a wonderful first weekend of December! Be sure to make time for yourself during this busy season - watch a movie, sit quietly and read a book, play a favorite game, take the time to make comforting, healthy meals for yourself and your family, take a walk, enjoy a nice coffee or cup of tea, or hot chocolate, it's Christmas after all. It's so important that we take care of ourselves and treat ourselves during this busy time of year. Here's to a season filled with contentment, joy, and peace.


Hello & a little catch-up