Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Christmas Recap and Happy New Year

We celebrated Christmas Eve with my family at my brother and sister-in-law's home in Blowing Rock, and their home was decorated beautifuly for the holidays, as always.  Charlotte had a wonderful Christmas and was spoiled with many wonderful gifts from my family.  We enjoyed a delicious Christmas Eve dinner consisting of caesar salad, prime rib, twice baked potatoes, creamed spinach, and an absolutely divine raspberry cheesecake, prosecco and good wine!  I loved spending the evening with my family.  We were missing my grandparents this year, as my grandfather has been quite ill.  I had a nice visit with him today at Hospice which is where he is now living.  

We are enjoying a cozy and quiet New Year's Eve at home.  I am feeling very blessed, content, and thankful this evening.  And I am looking forward to an AWESOME New Year ahead!!

Happy New Year, friends!!
I wish you all peace, good health, and much happiness in 2015!!!!!

Saturday, December 20, 2014


December has been a very busy month so far!  A visit to the gingerbread house, baking cookies with friends, lots of hot tea for mom, lots of hearty soups and stews simmering on the stove, Christmas shopping, and Christmas parties.  I got sick last week with a yucky upper respiratory/sinus infection which put me a bit behind, but I'm catching up this week.  I've finished my shopping, and just need to finish wrapping our gifts.  

I wish you all a very Merry Christmas filled with lots of family and friends, joy and laughter, peace and happiness, and good food!!

Saturday, November 29, 2014


Hello friends!  I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving.  We have so much to be thankful for. 

I have missed this space so much.  Life got really busy and continues to be busy, but I plan to make more time for blogging.  I've missed it!

Here are a few photos from the last several days.  We enjoyed a nice Thanksgiving lunch at my Mom's house on Thursday.  Followed by another Thanksgiving dinner last night at my in-laws.  Today, we put up our tree and decorated the house for Christmas.  Charlotte really enjoyed helping decorate the tree this year.  She is just a doll!  I enjoy her so much!

Sunday, August 10, 2014


  • Gorgeous flowers in Asheville a few weekends ago
  • Charlotte cooling off in the shade
  • Little Miss C
  • Walking around the lovely streets of Asheville... such a lovely city!
  • Charlotte assisting me in the kitchen
  • I have a wonderful "Mother's Helper" one day a week now.  Abby is fabulous!
  • Charlotte lost a front tooth last week... so exciting
  • The three of us at a wedding we attended in Wilmington, NC last weekend
  • Happy little posy I picked before the rain started last night
  • I love a well made bed.  I think C's room is my favorite room in our house.  It's so pink and girly!
  • Charlotte reviewing the days of the week on this rainy Sunday morning

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Holiday Weekend

We all had such a nice, long holiday weekend.  We spent the fourth at home just relaxing and pottering around the house all day.  I did a little gardening, made the most delicious strawberry shortcake, picked a little summer posy for my kitchen table, Charlotte splashed around in her pool for a bit, we grilled hotdogs for dinner, and spent the entire evening on the patio enjoying our (unusual) perfect weather.  After Charlotte went to bed, my husband and I had a glass of wine on the patio, listened to some music, and fireworks in the distance, and just enjoyed some alone time together.  It was perfect!

On Saturday, we went to Blowing Rock and celebrated with my family.  We had a BBQ in the evening, and lots of sparklers on the patio.  Charlotte loved it! She also loved the dirt cake pot my sister-in-law made for her.  You take a clean terra-cotta pot and layer it with cake, ice cream, crumbled Oreo cookies, place an artificial flower in the center, and pop it in the freezer for about an hour.  I think this would be a really cute idea for a birthday party!  You could also layer a few gummy worms for fun!  I hope you all had a wonderful holiday!

Sunday, June 22, 2014


  • Celebrating Memorial Day at my Mom's house with a BBQ
  • My two loves
  • My sweet girlie watching the ducks at the park in Blowing Rock
  • Fun at the park
  • Lunch date with Mama
  • Napping in the car
  • Hanging out in Gigi's garden
  • Bunny is reading books to Charlotte... so cute
  • My favorite summertime treat
  • Charlotte enjoying her favorite chocolate gelato at Whole Foods
  • My favorite summer salad - spinach, strawberries, and pecans
  • My husband snapped this photo of the two of us last Saturday night after seeing a fun homeschool play at a friend's house

Hello & a little catch-up