Sunday, January 20, 2013

What's in Your Refrigerator?

After a trip to Trader Joe's and Whole Foods yesterday I feel that our refrigerator/freezer is fairly well stocked for the week.

Lots of organic yogurt and milk for Charlotte and almond milk yogurt (my favorite) and almond milk for me.  Hummus and a drawer full of cheese for snacks.

Beets, mushrooms, carrots, celery, salad mix, peppers, cabbage and strawberries and a drawer full of meats (chicken, ground turkey and pork chops).  Beer for hubby and Zevia Ginger Ale for me.

Ok, a little snapshot of the freezer.  Full of salmon, more chicken and ground turkey, frozen veggies and fruits an Amy's cheese pizza for Charlotte (her favorite), black bean burgers, Amy's burritos, pizza dough and cod fillets from Trader Joe's.

Orange juice, vanilla creamer ( a must for coffee) and wine.

I love a well stocked refrigerator!

So do tell...what's in your fridge???


  1. I've been using almond yogurt for smoothies, but I admit I miss the texture of Greek yogurt (the rich fatty kind). We almost always have Amy's (Tuesday loves the cheese enchilada meal). I have cokes in glass bottles (a habit I can't seem to break, and the Costco cases don't help matters!). This week I have veggies as I planned out my meals and hopefully will cook a few in the crock pot. Oh no take out/left over boxes in our fridge right now, a true rarity!

    1. I love the almond yogurt, but the texture is so different from the Greek. The only pizza Charlotte will eat is Amy's Cheese can always be found in our freezer! And thanks for reminding me to bring out my crockpot. I often forget about it, but it makes dinner super easy!

  2. That is a very well stocked fridge! I'm glad to see wine in there too. Ours contains milk, fruit juice. cheese, yogurt, salad and veg, meat - pretty much the same as yours! Our freezer always has fish fingers and oven chips in it, for emergencies. If I've run out of fish fingers (the kids love them) then I panic a bit...

    Gillian x

    1. Thanks, Gillian! I do love a well stocked fridge. And you can always find a bottle of wine in there, too!

  3. I don't think I'm as brave as you! My fridge is pretty messy. My freezer is full right now thanks to a Costco trip. But we have all the same things as you - milk, juice, cheese, yogurt, salad, veggies, breads and leftovers. AND wine, too :)

    1. it's not always this organized! And yes, wine is a must to keep on hand!!!

  4. It looks like you have a ton of great stuff in there! I love almond milk, too. But I had no idea there was almond milk yogurt! I am totally going to have to try that!

  5. Maria, almond milk yogurt is the best! I hope you give it a try will love it!


At Christmastime