Friday, August 31, 2012

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Around the house...

While Charlotte napped today I went through the house with my camera and snapped a few photos to share with you.

I love this chest in my kitchen.  It's about twenty years old.  It was once in my bedroom, living room, and now it houses cookbooks, linens, etc. in my kitchen.  Lamp is from Target.  And the fish basket is from a lovely little shop in Charleston, SC. 

New candlesticks for the mantle.  

Love this chest by our front entrance filled with precious photos, sea shells from special vacations, and a painting I found at an antique shop in Laguna Beach.  Lots of special memories.

On to our guest room.  When we moved to this house it was painted a really ugly dark gold.  Hubby painted it a nice taupe color last Spring.  I love this chest.  It adds great color and texture to the room.  The lamp is from a local lamp sale last summer.

The bed side table was given to us by my husband's parents.  The headboard is from Mitchell Gold & Bob Williams.  Bed linens are form Restoration Hardware and I had the toile tailored bedskirt made.

The lamp is Ikea.  I need to update the clock!

The green striped pillow is from Pottery Barn.  I could use a piece of artwork over the bed.

Love this salad bowl/plate set from Pottery Barn.  It was a wedding gift.  The tray is from Pottery Barn, too.

I need to share a few photos from our master bedroom.  It's really no big deal and I still have lots of projects to complete, but maybe I will share anyway.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Thursday, August 16, 2012

What we've been up to lately...Random Post

Can you believe it's already mid August??  I cannot!  Where has the summer gone?  It seems like life gets busy around this time of the year as we approach Fall.  I am looking forward to cooler weather.  It's been one hot summer!

 Charlotte is spending the afternoon with my mom, so I am enjoying some much needed "me time."  I really should be cleaning! 

*Here is a list of "What we've been up to lately."

1.  Grilling almost every night, lots of fish and chicken.  And making lots of yummy pizzas.

2.  I am dieting and have lost three pounds in two weeks.  I am really just watching what I eat and incorporating more exercise into my daily routine.  Wish me luck.  I am hoping to lose about ten pounds and keep it off.  This will not put me back to my pre-prgnancy weight, but that's okay, I will feel better about myself!  

3.  We bought a new washing machine.  We had this one and after only three years and constant problems we decided to throw it to the curb, and bought this one.  I love it!

4.  Charlotte attended her first gymnastics class yesterday and she loved it.  It's a mommy and me class. She is happy that I can be in the room with her.  I had originally signed her up for ballet to start the end of August, but have decided to wait until next year.  I cannot be with her and she is just not ready for that.  And also, it's very structured and she is not ready for that either.  Gymnastics is fun for her, so that is what we are going with.

5.  We are thinking of trading my car for a new one soon.  We are considering the Subaru Outback Wagon and the Honda CR-V.  We are going to test drive both on Saturday!

6.  Charlotte!!!   She amazes me every day.  Her vocabulary amazes me every day!  How is she already almost 3.5 years old???  Oh, she is such a sweet little girl and I love spending my days with her.  We have a lunch date out once a week and she looks so forward to it.  I am so thankful for our sweet daughter, even if she does push my buttons, quite often!

7.  Now I am off to clean!  Fun Fun!!

This photo was taken before we left for gym class yesterday.  She was so excited!

Friday, August 10, 2012

Monday, August 6, 2012

Ghiradelli Chocolate Chip Cookies

After Charlotte's nap today we decided to whip up a batch of our favorite cookies.  Charlotte loves to bake with me.  They are not on my diet, but are so delicious.  I limited myself to only a few.  Here is my go-to chocolate chip cookie recipe.  This recipe yields four dozen, so be sure to share with friends and neighbors!

Friday, August 3, 2012

Hello & a little catch-up