Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Out and About


Hi! Happy Tuesday. A cool front came through last night, bringing much lower humidity and temperatures. Yay for some nicer weather! I'm planning to take a walk later today.  

Thank you for all the nice and thoughtful comments on my last post. They are very much appreciated!

Recently, we spent a late afternoon/early evening in uptown Charlotte. We visited the Modern Art Museum along with the Mint Museum. It was a scorching day and we were looking for something cool to do and this worked out perfectly. The museums were so nice and cool. I didn't get any pictures inside, but there was so much to see. After we finished up at the museums and walked around uptown for a bit, we stopped in a new-to-us adorable French restaurant. We weren't very hungry from all the heat, so a charcuterie board and Aperol spritz was the perfect summer dinner. I love the energy of being in a city. It really energizes me. What about you? Are you more of a city mouse or a country mouse? I'd say I'm more of a city mouse for sure. We live in a suburb of Charlotte. We are about a forty-minute drive from uptown Charlotte. It was a great way to spend a hot, summer afternoon!

Monday, August 12, 2024



A stormy August sunset, a sweet and cuddly Rosie, and our favorite chocolate chip cookies! That about sums up August so far. We are at that point in the summer when I'm ready for school to start back soon. Charlotte is ready, too. Online homeschooling actually begins on September 3rd. I miss having a schedule. Some days I have to ask myself what day is it? I love summer, but August has been very hot and humid, and July, too. I'm slowly getting ready for fall and some cooler weather. I actually like fall, just not what comes after it - winter. What about you? Are you ready for a new season?

This summer has been very different for us not having my mom around. Charlotte and I both spent so much time with her, especially during the summer when school is out. There's definitely an emptiness there. And it's hard to believe it's been five months since she passed. She's very much missed that is for sure. 

I had another post I was planning to post today from a recent day out and about, but I just felt like venting and sharing what's on my mind and how I'm feeling at the moment. Thanks for listening dear friends. I'm very thankful for all of you!

I have an acupuncture appointment tomorrow which I am looking forward to and we have a fun day of shopping and lunch at Charlotte's favorite restaurant - BrickTops planned for later this week. Be back soon!

Friday, August 2, 2024

Baked Ziti Recipe


Hi! Happy August! I wanted to share this easy and delicious baked ziti recipe with you. I hope you make it soon. It's perfect alongside a salad or toasted baguette. It makes a lot which is great for leftovers the next day. 

What are you up to this weekend? Charlotte has belt testing for karate tomorrow which is exciting! This time tomorrow she will be a Blue Belt. She's very dedicated and has worked very hard - we are so proud of her!

Have a great weekend!

Hello & a little catch-up