Sunday, June 25, 2023

Sunshine and Palm Trees


Hi! We are back from vacation in sunny, south Florida. This post is full of blue skies, palm trees, and sunshine - my favorite things! We had the best time and it was so nice to get away. We swam, took lots of walks, ate most all of our meals outdoors, enjoyed warm weather and sun every day, and just had a lovely time. 

Saturday, June 3, 2023

It's Been A While

 Hi! Hello everyone. Just wanted to pop in and say hi to my blog friends. Sorry, I've been missing from this space for a while. I didn't intend to be gone for so long. My daughter and I both celebrated birthdays over the past few months along with little Rosie who turned three in April. 

Spring is always such a busy time and especially May with it being the last month of school. Charlotte had finals this year and she did amazing. We are so proud of all of her hard work. We had a wonderful year of homeschooling and are looking forward to doing it again next year. 

I've been cooking a lot lately along with gardening - two of my favorite things! Above is our dinner from a few nights ago. A Mediterranean salad with roasted beets, lots of dill, olives, and feta cheese - I served it with grilled salmon. It was so good. I've been visiting our local farmers market on Saturday mornings and buying so many wonderful fresh fruits and vegetables. I feel that I eat so much healthier this time of year. For dinner tonight I made pasta with basil pesto and asparagus and grilled chicken along with a pavlova for dessert which I topped with strawberries from the market this morning. Sorry, we ate it so quickly I didn't get pictures! So, what are you cooking these days? Do you also have a local farmers market that you visit?

Last week was Charlotte's first full week of summer break and for the most part, we took it easy and just relaxed. We are slowly easing into summer and I wouldn't have it any other way. We have one vacation planned for this month and hopefully, another one in August which we are looking forward to. I love the slow days of summer without having to have much of a schedule. 

Feel free to leave a comment. I love hearing from everyone! Happy summer!

And I have to admit I'm squinting a bit too much as I write this post. I think it might be time to invest in a good pair of readers!

Hello & a little catch-up