Sunday, December 25, 2022

Merry Christmas!

 Merry Christmas, friends! Hope you've all had a wonderful day celebrating.

Tuesday, December 13, 2022

A New Ornament


Hello friends! I treated myself to a new ornament as I do most every year. It's a Linzer cookie ornament and I just love it. I came across it online, but it was sold out. I searched and searched and finally found it at a little online shop in NY, so I ordered it and they shipped it to me very quickly. It's a great addition to our tree. 

I finished the last of my Christmas shopping online today and that makes me very happy. I'll have lots of wrapping to do next week and lots of cookie baking, as well. I always gift cookie boxes to friends and neighbors, and family, too. Charlotte's last day of classes is on Thursday, so Christmas break begins for us on Friday. We are very much looking forward to a relaxing two weeks. We are meeting up with friends for dinner on Saturday night and I'm looking forward to catching up with them. We'll likely stroll around and look at the Christmas lights afterward.

 I'll be back next week to share pictures from our holiday cookie baking!

Tuesday, December 6, 2022

It's December


Hi! Just a quick hello and a few Christmassy photos. Charlotte and I decorated the little area behind her desk where she sits for homeschool classes with a cute garland and lights - I think it looks very festive. Life has been busy (it's December) and I haven't had much time to update this space, but I'll be back soon! Hope you are enjoying this holiday season as it seems to be racing by too quickly.

Hello & a little catch-up