Friday, January 28, 2022

Happy Friday

Hello!  Not much to report here.  I just wanted to pop in and say that I'm happy that it's Friday and I'm looking forward to the weekend.  We are planning to go for take-out tacos for lunch tomorrow and maybe a stop into Trader Joe's for a few items and a nice bunch of fresh flowers.  They always have the best selection of flowers and you can't beat their prices.  It should be a nice and relaxing weekend.  

What are your plans for the weekend?  Stay warm and cozy whatever you do.  It's going to be a cold one here with highs not above freezing.

Rosie got a haircut yesterday and I don't think she's a big fan of it.  She's like, where did my winter coat go?  She's currently cozy and warm on her bed snuggled up in her pink sweater.

Friday, January 14, 2022

It's a New Year

Hello!!  And Happy New Year, friends.  I am excited for the new year and I'm hopeful it will bring good health, peace and contentment, some fun, new adventures and opportunities, and lots of happiness for my family.  What about you?  What are you excited about in this new year?

Our weather felt like spring/summer for the most part of December and now it has turned (thank goodness) and we are expecting at least eight inches or more of snow on Sunday.  Yay!!  I'm so excited for some true winter weather - it's about time.   

Also, I purchased new chairs for our kitchen table online.  I love the color, almost a dark sage green.  I was expecting them to be a bit taller, but we've adjusted to the size and I really do like them a lot.  Our dog teethed on our old ones (which were white) and basically destroyed them when she was a puppy a little over a year ago, so it was time they are replaced.  Now, we will see if she leaves the new ones alone.  

Anyway, happy weekend.   I hope it's a nice and cozy one for you!  

Hello & a little catch-up