Sunday, December 25, 2022
Tuesday, December 13, 2022
A New Ornament
Hello friends! I treated myself to a new ornament as I do most every year. It's a Linzer cookie ornament and I just love it. I came across it online, but it was sold out. I searched and searched and finally found it at a little online shop in NY, so I ordered it and they shipped it to me very quickly. It's a great addition to our tree.
I finished the last of my Christmas shopping online today and that makes me very happy. I'll have lots of wrapping to do next week and lots of cookie baking, as well. I always gift cookie boxes to friends and neighbors, and family, too. Charlotte's last day of classes is on Thursday, so Christmas break begins for us on Friday. We are very much looking forward to a relaxing two weeks. We are meeting up with friends for dinner on Saturday night and I'm looking forward to catching up with them. We'll likely stroll around and look at the Christmas lights afterward.
I'll be back next week to share pictures from our holiday cookie baking!
Tuesday, December 6, 2022
It's December
Hi! Just a quick hello and a few Christmassy photos. Charlotte and I decorated the little area behind her desk where she sits for homeschool classes with a cute garland and lights - I think it looks very festive. Life has been busy (it's December) and I haven't had much time to update this space, but I'll be back soon! Hope you are enjoying this holiday season as it seems to be racing by too quickly.
Saturday, November 19, 2022
Sunday, October 30, 2022
Pumpkin time!
We carved our pumpkin last night! We really don't celebrate halloween, but we do enjoy carving a pumpkin and all things fall. I think he's rather cute!
Monday, October 24, 2022
Autumn days
Saturday, September 17, 2022
Almost Autumn
Happy Saturday and happy almost autumn! It's still hot here, but I'm hopeful it won't be for too much longer. Summer wants to keep hanging on, but I'm ready for a new season. I suddenly want to bake and cook all the cozy foods - like soups and stews, and anything and everything pumpkin. I'm also enjoying eating blackberries this year. I picked up a few more pints yesterday. I like to have them alongside my breakfast which usually consists of a bagel, oatmeal, or maybe a pumpkin muffin, and pancakes on the weekend. I occasionally have eggs for breakfast, but not too often. I enjoy eggs more for brunch.
Homeschool/online learning is in full swing over here. This past week was our first full week of school. We are slowly getting into the groove of things and it's going well. I will say I was super exhausted at the end of this week. We are so happy to have our daughter schooling at home where we as parents can also be very much involved. It's such a blessing. The last photo shows a very tall pile of books which is just for her Humanities class (which is a combination of History, Bible, and Literature) - lots of reading in that class for sure. She also has Science, English, and Math classes.
Rosie got a new, cozy bed and she loves it. She loves to snuggle up in it. At first, we thought it was too large, but now I think it's the perfect size for her to be able to stretch out in.
Well, that's about it for today. Oh, if anyone has any recommendations for a cozy, fall book please leave a comment (nothing sad or scary) - I love sweet, romantic comedies. I'm almost finished with my current book and am looking for a new one to start soon.
I hope you are having a great weekend! I'm thinking we will watch a movie tonight but I'm not sure what. We watched You've Got Mail last weekend and it was perfect, as always. One of my very favorite movies of all time.
Saturday, August 20, 2022
Random Stuff
Happy Saturday, everyone! I hope you are having a great weekend so far. We went out to lunch today at the cute restaurant in the top photo. It's an old house that was turned into a quaint, little restaurant many years ago. I managed to not take any food pictures today. We were quite hungry, as we ate a late lunch, so maybe that's why. I had a burger along with the best hand-cut fries - it was so good!
Earlier in the week, Charlotte along with my mom and I treated ourselves to pedicures and a delicious brunch. It was a really fun girls' day. I could go for another cappuccino right now - it was perfect in every way.
My flower garden is coming along nicely. The jug above is filled with flowers I grew myself from seed. They make me very happy. I keep a jug full on the kitchen table these days - they brighten up the whole room.
Rosie got a haircut last week and she wasn't very happy about it. The groomer cut her a bit too short and she was shivering, even though it's super hot here, she was really missing all of her fluff so she wore her sweater for a few days. I prefer her a bit more fluffy, as well. I'll be sure to tell the groomer to not go as short next time.
Anyway, we a gearing up to start homeschool in about two more weeks. It's hard to believe summer is almost over. It'll be nice to get back on a schedule though. Oh, and Charlotte gets her braces off one week from Wednesday and she is so excited! I'm also looking forward to fall and much cooler days, and wearing sweaters again. My favorite outfit is a nice pair of jeans and a v-neck sweater or a comfy, long cardigan. I could wear that every day.
I'm trying out a new recipe for pumpkin spice pancakes for breakfast in the morning. About this time every year, I start craving all things pumpkin. I made a batch of pumpkin chocolate chip muffins for breakfast and snacks earlier in the week and I'm making our favorite pumpkin chili for dinner one night next week. Pumpkin is so good for us and we should all eat it more often, not just in the fall or late summer in my case. Rosie loves it, too!
Thursday, August 4, 2022
Just wanted to pop in and say hi! I hope you all are having a nice first week of August. It's been a busy and hot one for us with an appointment for my daughter yesterday (allergy check-up) and a follow-up doctor's appointment for me on Tuesday. I'm very happy to say that I received good news at my appointment which I am so thankful for. God is so good and always hears and answers our prayers.
I ordered a new cookbook which I had been eyeing for a while now. It's full of not just healthy, but also delicious-looking recipes. I made the brownie bites yesterday and they were a hit. Energy bits and granola bars are up next along with a Tuscan white bean soup which looks fabulous. I know it's hot and not really soup weather but I'll turn the AC down and we will pretend that's it cool outside and enjoy our soup.
My flower patch is coming along quite nicely. I'm so glad I added Black-eyed Susan seeds to the mix this year - I love all the pops of yellow - they are such a happy flower.
I'll be back soon! Take care and stay cool. Oh, the blueberry crumb cake is from here and it's delicious and a perfect way to use up all of those late summer blueberries.
Sunday, July 10, 2022
Hello, July!
Wednesday, June 22, 2022
Trying to stay cool
Hello and happy summer! It's hard to believe yesterday was the first day of summer. It sure feels like it with temperatures around 100 degrees. We are spending lots of time indoors in the AC where it's nice and cool. I'm honestly not a fan of heat, although I do like to see the sun shining, I just prefer not to be out in it.
My hollyhock plant flowered this year and I'm thrilled! I planted seeds last year and the plants basically were small and green with no flowers. I'm thinking it's about ten feet tall. It's gorgeous and makes me very happy. My raised bed is also filling in nicely with more wildflower seeds I planted last month. I should start to see blooms within the next few weeks. I'll be sure to share pictures soon.
We ran a few errands today and went for pedicures with my mom followed by brunch. It was fun hanging out and spending the day together. I bought all the ingredients to make homemade chocolate cherry ice cream and smores because that's what you do in the summer when it's super hot. What have you been up to? I hope you are having a nice summer so far.
Wednesday, May 18, 2022
It's been a while
Hello friends! I hope you are all well. Oh my, it has definitely been a while since my last post. I wasn't sure where to start - so we will just skip over April and concentrate on the current month. We went to St. Simon's Island, GA the first week of May for vacation - it was wonderful to get away. We had a great time and thoroughly enjoyed many walks on the beach and many meals eaten outside. Beach walks are my favorite, especially in the late evening when the sun is about to set. The ocean is so healing to me - not to mention we had no seasonal allergies when we were by the sea. It has me thinking that maybe a move closer to the sea is in our future at some point. Wouldn't that be wonderful! We rented a pet-friendly condo so we were able to bring Rosie along with us and she loved the beach. We also celebrated my 47th birthday when we were away. We went out for a nice dinner and a glass of prosecco - I thoroughly enjoyed celebrating with my people. When we returned home it was almost Mother's Day. Charlotte made me a Belgian waffle as you can see in the photo below, and it was delicious!
Our daughter will have her last week of 6th grade coming up next week. It's so hard to believe summer break is almost here and we are looking forward to it. It'll be nice to not have a daily schedule for a while. And we are excited about homeschooling for 7th grade.
So, what have you been up to lately? What are you looking forward to this coming summer? I hope you have something fun planned!
I'm also trying to eat more salads. Green apple is surprisingly very good on a salad!
Hello friends! Oh my goodness has this been the most gorgeous month! Blue skies, sunshine, and comfortable temperatures every single day. ...
Hello friends! Just a quick hello and a few pictures from the week. The sunset was gorgeous on Monday evening after it had rained all day....