Friday, January 22, 2021

Winter Days

 I am enjoying these cozy, winter days.  I've been baking and cooking a lot.  Also, drinking lots of lattes and hot tea.  I recently added a slice of orange to my Earl Grey tea and it makes it extra special.  The kitchen is definitely my happy place.  I love to feed the people I love.  

I feel like we are somewhat getting into a groove for homeschooling.  It's been over four months now, so I would say it is about time.  We definitely still have days that we both struggle, but it's better than it was in the beginning.  Charlotte will back at her old school next year in a classroom setting and she's very much looking forward to that.  It's a much better fit for both of us.  Although this hasn't been easy, I am so glad we were able to have this year at home together.  Very special, indeed.

No big plans for us this weekend.  We are planning to get out for a walk at some point.  I'm sure there will be cooking going on and maybe some cleaning.  I made homemade sourdough bread today to go alongside a lentil soup I'm making for dinner.  

I hope you have a great weekend whatever you are doing.  Stay warm and cozy!

Monday, January 11, 2021

Happy New Year

 Hello friends!  I hope you are having a nice and cozy start to the New Year.  We have a full day of homeschooling planned today, but I wanted to stop in and say hello to everyone.  A dear friend made me the most gorgeous St. George's Cross quilt (we both share a love for England) and recently gifted it to me and I'm just thrilled with it.  It's so special and will be treasured for many, many years.   I also received a milk frother for Christmas and I am absolutely loving it.  I'm making oat milk lattes almost every morning now.  Such a special treat to start the day with.  I'm enjoying these chilly, winter days.  It's cloudy today and I have fairy lights sparkling in the background in the kitchen as I type this.  I'm also making a big batch of spaghetti and meatballs for dinner.  Stay warm and cozy!

Hello & a little catch-up