Saturday, January 20, 2018

Snow Day

We enjoyed another cozy, snow day this past week, our second one this winter.  I love to watch the snow fall.  We are having a true winter this year and that makes me very happy!  So, basically I cooked and baked the whole day.  I made a big batch of homemade chicken noodle soup and a yummy chocolate cake with cream cheese frosting topped with fun sprinkles per Charlotte's request!

Also, I found an adorable new lamp at Target last week and I found the perfect spot for it.

  We are headed to Crate and Barrel tomorrow to pick up a few new things - dish towels, a new pot for a house plant, a white serving platter and maybe some other fun things.  And to Paper Source, so Charlotte can choose some cute Valentine cards for her classmates.  I'm excited!  Hope you are having a great weekend, too!

Sunday, January 7, 2018

Happy New Year!!

Hello!  And Happy New Year!!  Just dusting off my blog a bit - it's been almost Two years since I last posted.  Wow, I suppose life just got really busy and then there is Instagram, so I seem to be posting mostly there these days.  But I miss blogging and hope to pop back in more often this year.

We had a wonderful Christmas with our families and a very Happy New Year!  Oh, and I made some yummy dutch oven bread this past week which has been perfect toasted and topped with butter.  Also, making lots of soups and chili and spaghetti with homemade meatballs, as the weather has been very cold and blustery for the past few weeks.  We've also written thank you notes for gifts and bought a new lovely calendar for the kitchen.  It's winter and I love it!  Hopefully, we will get another snow before it's over.  My eight year old has her fingers crossed!

Hello & a little catch-up