Friday, January 17, 2014

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Homemade Chicken Noodle Soup

I've been meaning to share this easy, healthy, and delicious recipe with you.  My daughter loves this soup.  I think I might double the recipe next time so I have lots of leftovers for the freezer.  


1 tbsp olive oil
2 chicken breasts cooked and cut-up
8 cups low sodium chicken broth
4 large carrots, sliced
3 celery stalks, sliced
1/2 medium size onion, diced
1 tsp parsley
1 cup uncooked egg noodles
salt and pepper to taste

You will want to use a large pot for this recipe.  I use a 5 quart dutch oven.


Sauté the onion in olive oil on medium heat for about ten minutes.  Add the carrots and celery and sauté for a few additional minutes.  Add the chicken broth, and cook on medium heat for about thirty minutes, or untill vegetables are very tender.  Turn heat to boiling, and add noodles.  Cook noodles for twelve minutes.  Add chicken, parsley, salt and pepper, and serve.

I hope you enjoy it as much as we do!

Friday, January 3, 2014

Resolutions for 2014

I have decided to keep a word in mind this year.  My word is Relax.  I need to learn to just relax, as my husband often tells me.  I really need to work on being more relaxed about life in general.  

I have also set a few goals for myself.

1.  Lose another eight to ten pounds, and keep it off!  I have lost eighteen pounds since last March, and I am very proud of myself.  My current weight is 148 pounds.

2.  Learn to sew... something.  Even if it's just a button on a pair of pants.  

3.  I definitely want to blog more.  I miss this space.  

4.  Spend more one on one time with my husband and daughter.

5.  Travel to someplace new.  Hopefully Portland, Oregon.  It has been on our list for a while now.

6.  Take more photos of the three of us.  We only have three photos of our family from last year.

7.  I starterd this one a bit early. I decided to deactivate my Facebook account last weekend, and I do not miss it at all.  I think it was a bit of a time waster for me, and very much a distraction.  

8.  I want to be more in the moment with my daughter, and every day life.

9.  Be more appreciative.

10. Learn to just go with the flow.  I can seriously be so stubborn.  And I wonder where my daughter gets it from!

Hello & a little catch-up