Wednesday, July 31, 2013


Playing dress-up...

She still likes to nap... in the car.

Building very tall towers at the library.

Record rainfall on Saturday morning... twelve inches in six hours.  Since June 1st we have had over twenty inches of rain... crazy!!!  As you can see, Charlotte's pool is overflowing.  And it's raining again today.

Tonight's dinner... Whole Wheat Penne Pasta with Grilled Chicken, Snap Peas, and Feta Cheese.  It was absolutely delicious!  I will be making this again very soon!

I hope you all are having a wonderful week!

Friday, July 26, 2013

A Sweet Little Dress

My Mom recently vacationed in Charleston and brought back this adorable,  hand embroidered dress for Charlotte.  She purchased it from the Historic Charleston City Market.

It's so darling and Charlotte loves wearing it!  Even the pockets have little bees and flowers.

The perfect Summer dress!

Saturday, July 13, 2013


My Mom's sweet neighbor gave me this lovely hydrangea bouquet the other day.  I just love the color combination!  It's amazing that they both came from the same plant.

They look lovely in my dining room.

I think I need to get a plant of my own to cut from!  It would be so nice to have these in my house all Summer long.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

The Fourth of July

We enjoyed the fourth with our dear friends and their sweet one year old daughter who were in town from Texas.  We spent the day together just catching-up while the girls played.  Since it was raining in the evening and we couldn't BBQ we decided to go out for a yummy pizza.  It was such a good day and we miss them already.  I was having so much fun that I barely picked up my camera for photos... which I am now regretting.  Oh well, hopefully we will get out to Texas to visit with them again soon!

On Saturday evening we had dinner at my parents house to celebrate the fourth with them.
It was a great weekend, even though it mostly rained.

My festive garland for the fourth of July!

My herbs and flowers are growing like crazy with all the rain we are having!

We are forecasted to have another week of rain.... hopefully the sun will soon return!

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Rainy days

We had a very rainy Winter and Spring this year and so far, a very rainy, humid Summer.  I am really longing for some sunny and warm weather where we can enjoy being outside and perhaps open the windows.  I feel like we have been stuck inside for months upon months now.  Yes, we are definitely experiencing a bit of cabin fever.  So Charlotte has to get some energy out wherever possible...

monkeying around on her bed.

Just look at all of that energy!

Playing with her train set...

and reading books.  

She has several of her favorite books memorized... I am just amazed!

Hello & a little catch-up