Saturday, February 9, 2013

Preschool - Homeschool - Crafts

I am blogging photos with minimal words this February.  I would love to see snapshots of your life too, please leave me a link in the comments.


  1. So cute! Looks like she is having so much fun! :-) I hope you are enjoying your weekend!!

    1. I hope you are enjoying your weekend as well!

  2. I look forward to your photo every day :) I started researching preschools this week - yikes.

  3. Oh, thank you! I am on the fence about Charlotte going to preschool. Right now we are "testing the waters" with homeschool, but we are letting Charlotte lead the way.

  4. Good luck with your pre-school decision. Is it like our nursery system? Here our kids start school so early, the September after they turn 4. It's hard on those kids with summer birthdays. Angus starts school next September and he'll only be 4 years and 4 months which just seems so young!

    Gillian x

    1. Oh wow, four is so young! Children here start kindergarten the September after they turn five.

  5. Yay for scissors. Enrollment is now for the fall and we finally sat down and really talked about it. We've decided next year at home, 99% sure kindergarten at home and then she could hopefully get into a cool private school here or do homeschool. I feel better having actually made he decision! Now I just need to stop myself from buying supplies :)

    1. Amber, it sounds like we have the same plan for our little ones. We are thinking preschool at home and most likely kindergarten and for first grade private (definitely) or continue homeschool. I know what you mean buying supplies is so much fun!


At Christmastime