Friday, December 30, 2011

Christmas Re-Cap...

What a wonderful Christmas we had.  We spent Christmas Eve at my brother and sister-in-law's beautiful home.  We enjoyed a nice dinner, time with family and watching Charlotte open all of her gifts.   She was really into Christmas and Santa this year.  

We are so thankful for our family and good health and all of the other many blessings we received this year.  We are looking forward to an even better 2012!!!

 Decorated so pretty for the holiday's.
 Christmas Eve dinner.
 Charlotte posing by the tree eagerly awaiting the opening of her gifts.
 So thankful for my sweet family.
 Charlotte with Uncle John and Aunt Dana.
 Love their white tree.
 My Mom and Charlotte.
 Charlotte, hubby and my grandparents.
Charlotte cooking away on her new kitchen set.
 Playing with her new tea set.
 Very early Christmas morning a sleepy Charlotte checking out what Santa brought her.
 I think her favorite gift from Santa was this butterfly bubble wand!
Christmas Day at my in-law's.  She loved the train around the tree.  She watched it for hours.

Hope you had a wonderful Christmas!

We will be ringing in the New Year at home this year with our little one.  We plan to have a little party of our own with some yummy Thai food, SweetWater Blue (my favorite new beer) and a few party favors for Charlotte to have fun with.

Happy New Year Everyone!!!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Bearstein Symphony Orchestra...

A few days ago we spent the afternoon in downtown Charlotte at Founders Hall.  We took Miss Charlotte to see the Bearstein Symphony Orchestra.  She had a blast!  We enjoyed it too.  If you live in the Charlotte area and have small children, I would totally recommend it.  The show is about forty-five minutes long and they perform daily from 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. thru Dec. 31st.  It's also free to the public.  Here are a few photos from our fun family day.

 Ready for the show.
 They were adorable!
 Charlotte posing in front of the Gingerbread House at The Ritz Carlton.
 Charlotte and mommy.
Our family in front of the amazing Gingerbread House.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Charlotte's new haircut...

Miss Charlotte got a new haircut this week.  I had almost three inches cut and I think she looks adorable.  She is a big fan of it too!  She keeps saying "my new haircut is so pretty"!

Hope you are enjoying this last weekend before Christmas.  We finished our shopping today and now I am off to bake (more) cookies.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Baking with Charlotte!

Charlotte and I did a little Christmas baking last night.  We made sugar cookies and they were so yummy.  Charlotte's favorite part was playing in the flour, the dough and of course decorating the cookies.  She kept calling the sprinkles "roses".  She said "Mommy, they need more roses", too cute!  Baking with my little one is so much fun!

 What a BIG helper.

So Happy!
 Just a few more "roses"!
 Fresh out of the oven.
 Love the flour on her cute little nose.  She's been baking.
Charlotte is not a big fan of sweets, but she did manage to take a few bites.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Christmas around our house...

When it comes to decorating for Christmas I am somewhat simple.  I think less is more.  I do love our Christmas tree in the corner this year.  Last year it was in our dining room.  My mantle is pretty much the same, except for the stockings from Pottery Barn/Kids and green trees from Pier 1 Imports.  I like to fill our mantle with all the pretty cards that we receive as well.  There are no gifts under the tree because Miss Charlotte finds them a little too enticing.  Charlotte loves all the lights and decorations this year.

 I always fill my silver platter with lots of shiny ornaments for the dining table.  I may add a poinsettia to the side table to add more Christmas to the room.

 Our door is ready for Christmas with garland and white lights.  I usually do a fresh, green wreath on the door, but I found myself in want of something different this year.  I found this ornament wreath at Target and knew it was exactly what I needed.  Love it!

 I love our stockings.  They look burgundy in this photo, but are much more red in person.
 The lights around our kitchen window are new this year.  We love them.  At night they give a very magical feel to this space.  I can see me NOT wanting to take these down after Christmas.
 I have a mix of ornaments on our tree.  Lots of red, green, gold and silver balls, a few felt ornaments and some very special ones I have found while traveling, like the starfish in this photo from New York.

I never top my tree with anything.  Not sure why.  Maybe I should add a star?

Hope you are ready for Christmas.  It will be here soon!

Friday, December 2, 2011

Thanksgiving Re-Cap...

I have been meaning to post this all week.  With the holiday, christmas decorating, and shopping I have been super busy.  We had a wonderful and relaxing Thanksgiving.  We celebrated with my family by having a nice lunch (my husband cooked the turkey) and it was delicious.  We of course all ate too much, but that is what you do on holidays.  Charlotte had a blast spending time with everyone.  She was definitely the center of attention and loved every minute of it.

 Ready to go to GiGi and Poppa's house for lunch.
 Charlotte is on the move...
 Happy Girl!
 Eating her two favorites, turkey and potatoes.
Charlotte with her favorite uncle and aunt.  My brother, John, and wife Dana.  They love hanging out with Miss Charlotte.

Hello & a little catch-up