Sunday, March 16, 2025

Hello & a little catch-up


Hello, dear friends!!!!! It's been umm... a while. I just wanted to pop in and say hi! Life has been busy this year and it's hard to believe we are in mid-March. A lot is going on at my grandmother's house. My stepdad, brother, and I have been busy with repairs, cleaning out - lots of cleaning out, and getting the house ready to go on the market in the next few weeks. Overseeing Charlotte's homeschooling - which is going well. I've also picked up a few freelance design jobs for a friend's daughter whose husband owns several corporate rentals, and they also just bought a new house, so that's kept me busy off and on since late November. It's nice since I can do it mostly remotely and just go in at the end to decorate and pull it all together. It's so much fun and I enjoy it. For those of you who don't know, my degree is in Interior Design and I've worked off and on in design since I graduated many years ago! I haven't so much since Charlotte was born, but now that she is getting a bit older (she's turning SIXTEEN on Wednesday!) it's been fun picking it up again. 

On New Year's Day, we left for Charleston, SC for a few days. The holidays weren't easy for me last year and I knew I wanted to get out of town after they were over. It was the perfect way to start the new year. Charleston is a beautiful city and we had a great time. It was so nice to see sunshine, flowers blooming, and palm trees in January

It was the first anniversary of losing my beautiful dear mom last Tuesday. It hasn't been easy at times and I miss her every day. Not only was she my mom, but also my best friend. Life isn't the same without her.

I'm planning to make a Guinness Beef and Barley Soup for St. Patrick's Day tomorrow and we'll be celebrating my sweet daughter on Wednesday! 

I hope you have a wonderful week ahead. Happy Spring!! I'm loving the longer, brighter evenings.

Hello & a little catch-up