Tuesday, April 16, 2024

It's been a while


Hi. I hope everyone is enjoying spring! I know it's been a while since I've been in this space. Sadly my dear mom passed away last month - it's still so hard to believe and kinda unreal even saying those words. She had a short battle with an evil illness and suffered so much this year, she fought it so hard with everything she had, but eventually, her body gave out and she's now no longer suffering and in pain and is happy and healthy again in Heaven with her Heavenly Father. I find comfort and peace in knowing I will see her again someday. She is dearly missed and I think about her every single day. My mom loved Jesus and her family and she was a wonderful "Gigi" to her granddaughter, Charlotte - they were so close. She was a very positive person and never complained. She always gave the best advice. I miss our daily phone conversations as we talked about anything and everything every day. Not only was she my mother, but also a best friend and I miss her. She's with us in spirit and I know she's smiling down on me. But life goes on and we carry on the best we know how - one day at a time. 

I've been spending lots of time in the kitchen (my happy place) as it's been a good distraction for me. Although I've been terrible at remembering to take pictures of all the dishes and treats I've been making. I did, however, remember to snap a picture of this yummy baked ziti with meatballs I made on Sunday. It was delicious and we had leftovers for the next day! 

Our sweet and sassy Rosie is celebrating her 4th birthday today! Also, Charlotte celebrated her 15th birthday last month which is just so hard to believe! How is my baby fifteen already?? She's such a kind, happy, and thoughtful young lady. I'm so proud of her!

Thanks for visiting! 

Hello & a little catch-up