Sunday, August 20, 2023

Late Summer


Hi friends. I hope you have all had a nice summer. I'm seeing signs of late summer all around me. Although it's still very warm here, everything is beginning to slowely fade and the sun is setting earlier in the evenings. Autumn is just around the corner. In some ways I'm ready for it and in others I'm just not quite there. I will miss the longer days, but I also love the coziness that comes along with autumn. I also love cooking in autumn. It's probably my favorite time of year to cook all the warm and hearty meals that I love to make. I couldn't wait any longer and whipped up a batch of pumpkin cupcakes this week and they were spot on. So, as you can see, I'm slowly warming up to that fact autumn will be here before I know it. Are you ready for the change in season or are you holding on to summer for as long as possible?

Above photos: Scenes from our family card game night which is always so much fun! A well-deserved beer at the end of a very long week two weeks ago. Sweet Rosie cuddling her favorite toy. And Rosie freshly groomed with cute bows that only lasted about an hour! Late summer garden. A cute new mug which I treated myself to. Also, not pictured, but I'm happy to say I received good results at a follow-up appointment earlier this week. Thank you, God, for an answered prayer.

We will begin homeschooling again on September 5th, just about two weeks away. We are excited and looking forward to getting back into a daily routine. We are also trying to get in a few day trips here and there over the next few weeks before the busyness of school takes over. Happy late summer!

I hope to get back to more regular blogging. I'd like to start posting more meals I make and baked goods along with recipes. I'm planning to make a meatloaf for dinner tonight along with roasted potatoes with pancetta. Sounds perfect for a cozy, Sunday evening dinner, doesn't it?


Hello & a little catch-up