Wednesday, March 15, 2023

I'm so happy it's almost spring!


Hello, everyone! I'm loving the extra daylight in the evenings. And I'm happy spring will be making its arrival next week. Yay for spring and longer, brighter days! The winter really got to me this year. The darkness and gray days I just have to say, I wasn't feeling it at all. Winter usually doesn't bother me very much, but for some reason it just felt very long this year and we didn't even get snow! The older I get the more I feel the need for bright, sunny days. It motivates me. I keep telling my husband that maybe we should consider moving to Florida at some point. He didn't say no. 

Anyway, enough about the weather. Charlotte has this week off from school for spring break and it's been so nice to not have a schedule each day. We've shopped, gone out to lunch and brunch a few times, slept in, and really did whatever we wanted to do - it has been really nice. Oh, and she got her ears pierced yesterday! Her birthday is coming up on Sunday and she decided it was time and she was ready. She looks so cute with her ears pierced. We are taking her out to dinner on Saturday night and I'll be baking a cake on Sunday to celebrate with her grandparents. It's so hard to believe my baby girl is going to be fourteen!

Well, I guess that's it for today. I hope you all are doing well! Are you as ready for spring as I am?

Hello & a little catch-up