Tuesday, January 17, 2023

January Days

 Hi! Hello, friends. I hope you are having a slow and cozy start to the new year. We haven't had any snow (only lots of rain), and honestly, I'm ok with that. The older I get (I'm 47) the less I like snow. I mean, I like snow in December because it makes everything feel more Christmassy, but after that, I'm kinda done with it. Needless to say, we didn't get any snow in December.  

Homeschool is back in full swing and has been for the past two weeks. It's going very well and we love it. I bought a devotional journal for myself and I'm really enjoying reading it each day. I've also bought a few bunches of tulips to help brighten up the house on these dark, grey days. I always start buying tulips in January. They remind me that spring is not far away. We baked our favorite brownies last week, too. They are so good! You swirl raspberry jam through the batter right before you bake them.

So, what have you been up to lately?

Monday, January 2, 2023

It's a New Year


Happy New Year to you! 

I always look forward to January and welcome it after the busyness of the holidays. January is a time to rest and really just be. Drink lots of hot tea, read books, and relax.

Here's to a new year filled with health, happiness, and peace!

Hello & a little catch-up