Saturday, August 20, 2022

Random Stuff

Happy Saturday, everyone! I hope you are having a great weekend so far. We went out to lunch today at the cute restaurant in the top photo. It's an old house that was turned into a quaint, little restaurant many years ago. I managed to not take any food pictures today. We were quite hungry, as we ate a late lunch, so maybe that's why. I had a burger along with the best hand-cut fries - it was so good!

Earlier in the week, Charlotte along with my mom and I treated ourselves to pedicures and a delicious brunch. It was a really fun girls' day. I could go for another cappuccino right now - it was perfect in every way.

My flower garden is coming along nicely. The jug above is filled with flowers I grew myself from seed. They make me very happy. I keep a jug full on the kitchen table these days - they brighten up the whole room.

Rosie got a haircut last week and she wasn't very happy about it. The groomer cut her a bit too short and she was shivering, even though it's super hot here, she was really missing all of her fluff so she wore her sweater for a few days. I prefer her a bit more fluffy, as well. I'll be sure to tell the groomer to not go as short next time.

Anyway, we a gearing up to start homeschool in about two more weeks. It's hard to believe summer is almost over. It'll be nice to get back on a schedule though. Oh, and Charlotte gets her braces off one week from Wednesday and she is so excited! I'm also looking forward to fall and much cooler days, and wearing sweaters again. My favorite outfit is a nice pair of jeans and a v-neck sweater or a comfy, long cardigan. I could wear that every day.

I'm trying out a new recipe for pumpkin spice pancakes for breakfast in the morning. About this time every year, I start craving all things pumpkin. I made a batch of pumpkin chocolate chip muffins for breakfast and snacks earlier in the week and I'm making our favorite pumpkin chili for dinner one night next week. Pumpkin is so good for us and we should all eat it more often, not just in the fall or late summer in my case. Rosie loves it, too!

Thursday, August 4, 2022



Just wanted to pop in and say hi! I hope you all are having a nice first week of August. It's been a busy and hot one for us with an appointment for my daughter yesterday (allergy check-up) and a follow-up doctor's appointment for me on Tuesday. I'm very happy to say that I received good news at my appointment which I am so thankful for. God is so good and always hears and answers our prayers.

I ordered a new cookbook which I had been eyeing for a while now. It's full of not just healthy, but also delicious-looking recipes. I made the brownie bites yesterday and they were a hit. Energy bits and granola bars are up next along with a Tuscan white bean soup which looks fabulous. I know it's hot and not really soup weather but I'll turn the AC down and we will pretend that's it cool outside and enjoy our soup. 

My flower patch is coming along quite nicely. I'm so glad I added Black-eyed Susan seeds to the mix this year - I love all the pops of yellow - they are such a happy flower.

I'll be back soon! Take care and stay cool. Oh, the blueberry crumb cake is from here and it's delicious and a perfect way to use up all of those late summer blueberries.

Hello & a little catch-up