Wednesday, June 30, 2021

How is it almost July?

 Hello everyone!  I didn't intend to be away from this space for so long.  Where did the time go?  Life got so busy with homeschooling my fifth grader the last few months of school that I really didn't have time for much else.  But we did it!  It wasn't the easiest year, but I am so proud of what we both accomplished.  Yay!

It's hard to believe that tomorrow is the first day of July.  The summer seems to be going by too quickly.  My daughter gets her bottom braces put on in the morning (she got the top set put on in March right before her birthday) and our shaggy dog gets groomed in the afternoon.  I know she is so ready for a cool, summer cut.  

We really don't have any big plans for the upcoming holiday weekend.  The weather is supposed to be amazing, so that will be nice.  We will probably barbeque on Sunday and head up to the mountains for the day either Saturday or Monday.  We were hoping to get away for a few days or even a week this summer, but I waited way too late to book something and now everything is booked.  And there seems to be a real shortage of pet-friendly accommodations as we were hoping to bring Rosie along with us.  Maybe something will pop up, if not, it's no big deal as we are just enjoying relaxing and not having to have much of a schedule.  

My little lettuce/flower garden is coming along nicely.  It's so nice to walk out to the backyard and pick a bouquet of flowers.  We've also been hitting up the farmers' market on the weekends as often as we can.  I just love a Saturday morning spent at the market.  There is a lady there that makes the most wonderful muffins.  Last time she had strawberry-lemon-cream cheese and they were fantastic!  

Oh, and we recently got a new kitchen island and it is a wonderful addition to our kitchen.  It is so nice to have a bit more storage.  It's also wonderful for rolling out pizza dough.

I hope you are having a great summer!  

Hello & a little catch-up