Friday, February 1, 2019


It seems like January came and went fairly quickly this year.  I have to say that I really like the month of January.  It still feels like winter here as it should - no snow, but cold and blustery. 

 Charlotte is already thinking about Valentine's Day, as you can see below.  She made this sweet heart for me to display on the front of our refrigerator door.  We will probably go shopping for Valentine cards next week for her school friends.  I love Valentine's Day!  It's just such a sweet day.

For the past few weeks, I've treated myself to some lovely tulips for the kitchen table.  I really can't tell you just how much I've enjoyed them.  They make me very happy! 

I've also been baking a lot lately.  I made a Meyer Lemon Cake, Raspberry Crumble bars which have been perfect for breakfast or with a cup of tea in the afternoon, and a Chocolate Cake with Cream Cheese Frosting requested by Charlotte.  I love to be in the kitchen.  It's definitely my happy place.

I'm making Chicken Wings, Nachos, and Brownies this weekend for Super Bowl Sunday.  We don't really watch the game, it's just an excuse to make yummy Super Bowl food.  Have a great weekend! 

Last photo - Charlotte got to take a break from her school uniform for Country/Western day at school this week.  She looked adorable!

Hello & a little catch-up