Thursday, January 17, 2019

Cozy January

Hello!  I hope you are having a good week.  It's a rainy and cold afternoon here, so we are staying warm and cozy inside.  I'm planning to make a lasagna for dinner tonight and I'm on my second cup of hot tea this afternoon.  

I went to Ikea the first week of January and bought a new cabinet for our kitchen/dining area.  I really love everything about.  I needed something not too big, but also some much need storage - this piece delivers both.  I also picked up these darling white heart lights at Ikea. They are perfect for winter! 

And my Trader Joe's tulips are just the best.  They are inexpensive and really brighten up our kitchen table.  I love tulips!

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Christmas Recap and Happy New Year

Wow!  I feel like I'm finally starting to bounce back from all the busyness of the holidays.  Charlotte came down with bronchitis the day after Christmas and strep throat for me the day after New Year's day.  It seems like for most of her Christmas break one of us was under the weather.   I think all the busyness of the holidays caught up with us.  Anyway, we had a nice Christmas.  We celebrated with my family at my brother and sister-in-law's house on Christmas Eve.  And there was snow, so that made it feel extra festive!

I think Charlotte got everything she asked Santa for - including a new bike.  This past weekend it was unseasonably warm for this time of year and she was able to get out and practice riding a bit. We have a chance for snow showers this coming Saturday, so go figure.

I've been taking it slow the past few days and resting a lot, as strep was much worse than I remembered.  I'm feeling much better today and seem to have a burst of energy, so I'm doing some much needed housework.  Also, I'm going to make out a big market list along with some meal planning.

I love to put the tree up along with all my Christmas decorations, but I'm always very ready to take it all down by New year's day and freshen up the house a bit.  Earlier last week, we made a trip to Ikea and bought a lovely new white china cabinet/bookcase.  I'll share photos with you soon!

Hello & a little catch-up