Thursday, November 1, 2018

Welcome, November

This first morning of November welcomed us with cool temperatures and gray skies, and some rain is expected for later today.  I'm drinking a cup of hot, Earl Grey tea as I type.  I could drink hot tea all day long.  Earl Grey and green tea are two of my very favorite.  And coffee, too!  Below is a picture of my cafe' au lait from brunch at our favorite brunch spot a few weekends ago.  I would say that sweater weather has finally arrived and I couldn't be happier!

We celebrated Halloween by carving a pumpkin over the weekend and some trick-or-treating in the neighborhood last night.  Charlotte dressed up as Fancy Nancy.  She looked so cute!  Halloween has never been a favorite holiday of mine, but my kiddo enjoys dressing up and getting lots of candy most of all, I think.  

Happy November!  Enjoy this very cozy time of year.

Hello & a little catch-up