Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Early Spring Days

Good morning!  I love these early, spring days when it's still chilly in the mornings and evenings, but the afternoons are warm and sunny.  I'm on my second cup of coffee this morning, as it's a bit cool out, and thinking maybe I should've sent a light jacket to school with my daughter instead of a sweater.  We went on an evening family walk after dinner last night, and it was such a beautiful, spring evening with most of the trees in bloom and I noticed that azaleas are also starting to bud.  Thinking we will do that again tonight.  

My potted parrot tulips are blooming.  I planted a pack of seven bulbs, and ended up getting three flowers, but they are beautiful indeed.  The first one to bloom was eventually picked, of course, and brought inside to enjoy on our kitchen table. 

I've also added some things to my kitchen window ledge.  I have a basil plant up there and a succulent that I've had for a while, and a sweet photo of Charlotte in a frame that she painted at school. Thinking I might add a few more herb pots and maybe even a small potted geranium for some color.

Hope you are having a great week!  Get outside and enjoy this beautiful, spring weather!

Sunday, April 1, 2018

Happy Easter

Hello friends and Happy Easter!  We dyed eggs on Friday evening and used the Paas Classic dye kit.  Our eggs turned out really pretty and bright this year.  I think leaving them in the dye cups a bit longer may have contributed to the extra bright colors.  My daughter looks forward to this fun tradition every year.

We had a low key Easter this year with just the three of us.  We went to church this morning and then out for a quick lunch.  Now we are back home and I've decided it's time to do a bit of spring cleaning.  I just took off my white sofa slipcover and it's headed upstairs to the washer soon.  I love a fresh and clean slipcover.  

Charlotte was super happy to see the movie "Annie" in her Easter basket this morning.  I remember seeing this movie when it first came out at the movie theater.  I think I was seven then. 

I hope you are having a great Easter and a great spring weekend!

Hello & a little catch-up