Saturday, October 24, 2015


Hello!  I am so far behind that I don't know where to begin, so for now I will just update you on the last few weeks.  

The weather has been pretty amazing lately, a bit warm for October, but still very nice.  We took a day trip to Blowing Rock last week, and the weather was perfect, and the leaves were gorgeous!  I believe this is my very favorite time of year.

  I've also enjoyed getting my groove back on in the kitchen.  I made pumpkin muffins last week and minestrone soup.  Ina's chicken pot pie is on the menu for tomorrow with homemade biscuits... Yum!  And I'm planning to make smitten kitchen's spiced applesauce cake this week.  

Charlotte had the day off from school yesterday, and my husband and I took her to the zoo in Columbia - she had a great time!

Hello & a little catch-up