Tuesday, February 28, 2012

I Won!!

That's right!!  I am the lucky winner of this beautiful giveaway over at Sue's blog.  I cannot remember the last time I won something.  I was so surprised when Sue notified me that I was the lucky one.  Sue is a very talented crocheter.  Her work is simply beautiful.  I am thrilled with my lovely potholders.  They are a welcome addition to my kitchen.

Also, check out her adorable Etsy shop "Wearable Webs"

Friday, February 24, 2012

This Moment

A moment from the week.

Joining in on Amanda's this moment project at soulemama.com

Monday, February 20, 2012

Gardening with Mommy

Miss Charlotte loves to help me water our plants. It's one of her favorite things to do. This little girl is growing up too fast.  She will turn three next month.  How did that happen already?  I am trying to keep her "little" as long as possible.  She will always be my sweet baby girl!

Very excited to help Mommy!

Such a big helper.

Friday, February 17, 2012

This Moment

A moment from the week.

Joining in on Amanda's this moment project at soulemama.com

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!!!

Hope you are enjoying a sweet Valentine's Day!

Miss Charlotte enjoying a yummy cupcake that we made together.

Pink tulips (my favorite) from my sweet hubby who also surprised with some wonderful Godiva truffles!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Six years ago today...

I said "Yes!!".  On this day, six years ago, my husband proposed to me. We went to Charleston, SC for a long romantic weekend filled with a carriage ride, wonderful restaurants (82 Queen, High Cotton) just to name a few, wine, beautiful flowers, an awesome hotel (The Market Pavillion), I could not have asked for a more perfect weekend.  The proposal was perfect and romantic in every way.  We headed out to the beach for an afternoon walk on our last day where my husband took my hand and told me how he wanted to spend the rest of his life with me.  From that moment on we were a couple.  Four months later we were married at White Point Gardens on a beautiful, June Saturday morning in Charleston, of course.

This photo was taken at a friend's wedding while we were dating two months after we met.

Dinner at 82 Queen on our romantic Charleston weekend.

This photo was also taken at a friend's wedding one month after we met.

Friday, February 10, 2012

This Moment

A moment from the week.

Joining in on Amanda's this moment project at soulemama.com

Friday, February 3, 2012

This Moment

A moment from the week.

Joining in on Amanda's this moment project at soulemama.com

Hello & a little catch-up