Sunday, March 16, 2025

Hello & a little catch-up


Hello, dear friends!!!!! It's been umm... a while. I just wanted to pop in and say hi! Life has been busy this year and it's hard to believe we are in mid-March. A lot is going on at my grandmother's house. My stepdad, brother, and I have been busy with repairs, cleaning out - lots of cleaning out, and getting the house ready to go on the market in the next few weeks. Overseeing Charlotte's homeschooling - which is going well. I've also picked up a few freelance design jobs for a friend's daughter whose husband owns several corporate rentals, and they also just bought a new house, so that's kept me busy off and on since late November. It's nice since I can do it mostly remotely and just go in at the end to decorate and pull it all together. It's so much fun and I enjoy it. For those of you who don't know, my degree is in Interior Design and I've worked off and on in design since I graduated many years ago! I haven't so much since Charlotte was born, but now that she is getting a bit older (she's turning SIXTEEN on Wednesday!) it's been fun picking it up again. 

On New Year's Day, we left for Charleston, SC for a few days. The holidays weren't easy for me last year and I knew I wanted to get out of town after they were over. It was the perfect way to start the new year. Charleston is a beautiful city and we had a great time. It was so nice to see sunshine, flowers blooming, and palm trees in January

It was the first anniversary of losing my beautiful dear mom last Tuesday. It hasn't been easy at times and I miss her every day. Not only was she my mom, but also my best friend. Life isn't the same without her.

I'm planning to make a Guinness Beef and Barley Soup for St. Patrick's Day tomorrow and we'll be celebrating my sweet daughter on Wednesday! 

I hope you have a wonderful week ahead. Happy Spring!! I'm loving the longer, brighter evenings.

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

At Christmastime

 Hi friends! Wishing you a very Merry Christmas filled with love, joy, and peace!

Thursday, November 7, 2024

A quick hello


Hello friends! Just a quick hello and a few pictures from the week. The sunset was gorgeous on Monday evening after it had rained all day. I just started reading the cutest, holiday rom-com. I love sitting out on our back deck reading in the warm, afternoon sunlight. And also, my afternoon cup of tea - matcha today. Are you a fan of matcha green tea? I've tried so many different brands, and I can say Pique is my favorite. Ryze also isn't bad - it's a mushroom matcha so it has more of an earthy taste.

 Okay, so I need to go start on dinner - Swiss Chard and Ricotta Stuffed Pasta Shells in Marinara Sauce.

It was a good week. Have a great upcoming weekend!

Monday, November 4, 2024



Tomorrow is Election Day here in the US.  I voted early a few weeks ago. Pray and vote, my friends.

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Glorious October

 Hello friends! Oh my goodness has this been the most gorgeous month! Blue skies, sunshine, and comfortable temperatures every single day. October is usually our best weather month here in NC. After our hot and humid summer, it's a breath of fresh air literally. I'm spending as much time as possible outside, going on daily walks, and soaking it all up. 

Recently, we spent the afternoon in Blowing Rock enjoying the gorgeous weather and going out for dinner. Sorry, I didn't get any pictures of our meal, but it was wonderful. We also visited my favorite garden center The Mustard Seed for pansies, violas, and pumpkins. It was a really great way to spend the day. 

I've been spending lots of time in the kitchen, too. I made a wonderful turkey chili amongst lots of other things. I bought a new non-toxic Caraway frying pan which I love and would recommend if you are in the market for a new one. If I'm buying healthy foods, why would I want to cook them in something that could potentially release toxic chemicals into my food? It's not something we often think about, but we must be aware of what we are cooking with. I mostly cook with Le Creuset cookware - I love their Dutch oven and brasier, but I wasn't a fan of their frying pan - everything seemed to stick. Le Creuset is an investment. It will last you for many years to come. I cannot say enough about the quality of Caraway though. I'll likely be buying more.

Oh, and if you have slipcovers is there anything better than a freshly washed slipcover? I recently washed my sofa cover and it feels so clean and fresh.

I've also been watching lots of cozy autumn Hallmark movies in the evenings. They are the best!

Charlotte and I had a fun girls day out and about last Friday and I didn't get any pictures. We went shopping at J Crew Outlet and she found several cute, new things for fall. I found the softest, coziest cardigan. Afterward, we went to lunch followed by Barnes & Noble - I could spend hours there, Williams Sonoma and Trader Joe's which is always fun. It was a much-needed, fun day. Charlotte has been working super hard this semester so she was ready for a nice break. 

Have a wonderful day! Enjoy this beautiful time of year.🍂

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Easy and healthy lunch recipe


Hi friends! I hope you all are well and are enjoying this gorgeous October day. I'm praying for the state of Florida and all who are in the path of this horrific hurricane that is headed your way. Please stay safe! 

I wanted to share my lunch with you today. Actually, I make this lunch for myself quite often. If I don't eat enough protein with each meal, I just end up overeating and snacking to make up for it. I also love garbanzo beans! They are packed with protein and fiber and help keep you full. So, here's my easy salad recipe... I use mixed salad greens, but you could use any type of greens or lettuce you like. Preheat your oven to 325 F. I drain a can of garbanzo beans and lay them out on a piece of parchment paper on a sheet pan - drizzle them with olive oil and a sprinkle of sea salt, and roast them for 22-24 minutes.  I usually toss in kalamata olives, and sometimes cucumbers to my salad. I also love to add fresh parsley when I have it on hand. Top your salad with the roasted chickpeas, your favorite dressing, and that's it! Enjoy!

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Apple Cinnamon Dutch Baby


Hello friends! Happy October! It seems like September absolutely flew by. Okay, I've made this recipe four times in the past month! It's wonderful for this time of year as it is apple season. It's perfect for a leisurely weekend breakfast and I hope you make it this weekend. Your house will smell amazing - like apples and cinnamon - like fall! And it's really easy to make! Be sure to top it with a good drizzle of pure maple syrup and eat it as quickly as it comes out of the oven. Your family will be so impressed!

I wanted to thank you all for the kind comments on my last post. Thank God my brother and sister-in-law are safe from the hurricane, but so many here in Western North Carolina are suffering from the devastating Hurricane Helene. Please continue to pray for the people who have lost their homes, businesses, and sadly their loved ones. 

I went to Anthropologie yesterday in search of a new cute fall mug or dish towel and sadly found neither one. I asked the sales associate why they didn't have any cute seasonal things like they used to and she said they were only going to be carrying clothing from now on. Why?? I mean you can order more things on their website, but it was always so much fun to look at everything in person. 

I hope you have a wonderful weekend! I hope the weather truly feels like fall where you are. I'm planning to do some fall baking and watch some cozy Hallmark movies this weekend. What are your plans for the weekend?🍁

Hello & a little catch-up